
Special request for everyone in PdS, please add to your accepted or non-block list. Future PdS business emails will be coming from this email address and no longer from personal accounts, so we want you to receive the emails. Also make a habit of checking this web page for new content as well.

The annual meeting and summer party was held on August 20. Please refer the meeting minutes for meeting notes.

The recent PdS Covenant amendments votes have been completed and both of the changes were approved by the PdS property owners. The current Covenants and two amendments (all combined for convenience) are in the Documents section of this website. Two covenant revision committees have been formed and are looking at potential covenant clarifications and requirements changes.

PdS 2025 annual assessments are due by 12/31/2024. The amount remains at $125 for the year.

Please be careful when trying to rid your place of rodents, etc. These two documents describe safe ways to do this to protect our pets, wildlife and birds. ASPCA Pet Safety Alert and Safe Use of Rodenticide. Additionally, refer to for a contraceptive/non-lethal control method approved in New Mexico.